Calling – Who? What? Why?
In the church, there exists a widespread misconception that only “exceptional Christians” receive a “proper” calling from God. The truth,…
It was fantastic to welcome a good crowd from around the globe to launch our latest course, Caring for TCKs….
Enjoy the wisdom and inspiration of over a century combined missions experience, as we sit down with our founders, Ross…
In our interview with Christina Winrich, she shared openly about the challenges and joys of serving God in another culture….
Having grown up in Cyprus, being married to Jessica – who is South African – and with four children who…
We had the chance to sit down with Samuel and hear a little about his cross-cultural story. Hailing from rural…
For security reasons, we can’t show you Greg and Lisa’s faces. But they have a story that is well-worth hearing….
Our interview with Reuben Inwe is a fascinating one. His own story of encountering the Lord on a bus in…
In our interview with our former co-worker in China, Bev Gigney, she shared a poignant story about losing a close friend…
Bev Gigney founded a children’s home called Dove’s Wings during her years serving in China, having had a clear…
Joann Pittman was born as a ‘Third Culture Kid’ to missionary parents in Pakistan. But little did she know that…
Amy Young spent many years as a cross-cultural worker in China, and now works to support cross-cultural workers through various…
Rowena and Barry McKnight have been missionaries for many years in Thailand. In this insightful interview into their years of…
Scroll down for podcast options! < After being baptised at only 5 years old, Katie felt a clear calling…
Christine interviews Ruth Van Reken, member care expert and world-renowned co-author with Dave Pollock of bestseller ‘Third Culture Kids‘. Learn…
Click here to watch the recording! We were delighted to host Rod and Ruthie for their presentation on resilience on…
Grant and Jean are missionaries from South Africa. In this interview, they share their journey leading to mission work in…
Lydia David is a missionary who has worked in China & Turkey. She worked as an occupational therapist before she…
Christine sits down for an interview with our own team member Jennifer Bishop. Jennifer grew up in Burundi and…
Discover more about Great Lakes Outreach (GLO) and their weekly Zoom prayer meetings, as well as watch Onesphore’s prayer for Europe &…
Check out Globe Mission here. See our other partners. A fascinating interview with Brad Thurston, one of the early collaborators…
Henry and Betsy are key partners with us in FieldPartner. In this interview they share their experiences of coming to…
ChinaSource recently commented that “despite Europe’s historical legacy as an active sender of missionaries, Europe nowadays should be considered as…
The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray…
William A.P. Martin, 丁韪良 , (1827-1916), was an American missionary who served for 62 years in China between 1850 and…
Larry and Beth. Two ‘Ordinary’ People Who Made A Real Difference.Ross and Christine Paterson Write About Two Special Friends. Larry…
Maria Jane Taylor (née Dyer, 1837-1870) was born in Penang, Malaya, the youngest child of pioneer missionary Samuel Dyer and…
Geoffrey T. Bull (1921-1999) had a very unusual missionary career – he only served as a missionary for a few…
George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal…
Griffith John (1831-1912) was a remarkable man. “During his long ministry in China, Griffith John helped lay the foundation for…
Lillian Trasher (1887-1961) was born in Florida. But having heard God’s call to Egypt, she founded an orphanage which, at…
Wilhelmina “Minnie” Vautrin (1886-1941) was an American missionary in China for 28 years, working as an educator and for a…
Ida Scudder is a fascinating – and challenging – example of the question I looked at in my last post. Does…
I recently received an update from a soon-to-be partner and found that they were starting to offer online options for…
James Adam was a Scottish missionary who arrived in China in 1887 aged 23 and served there for the next…
Teaching English as a second language is a way to gain entry into a country that is partially, or even…
Emma Ekvall, 1870-1952, was a Swedish missionary to China. Reading ChinaSource’s article on her life written by Ray Smith, her…
Marie Monsen (1878-1962) was a Norwegian missionary who served in China between 1901 and 1932. Her life is an amazing…
Recently, I wrote about Helen Roseveare, an outstanding missionary to Africa. Her achievements were amazing in terms of hospitals built and…
Helen Roseveare (1925-2016) was a remarkable and unusual missionary to Africa. I will look at her life in this blog…
Eric Henry Liddell (1902-1945) is best known as one of the heroes of the Oscar-winning film “Chariots of Fire”. The…
William Chalmers Burns (宾惠廉) lived from 1815-1868. A fellow missionary said after his death that “all China knows him; he…
Mildred Cable’s remarkable story (see my blog about her) is not complete without mentioning the two sisters with whom she…
Mildred Cable was another remarkable missionary to China. The easiest way to introduce her is to focus on a quality…
I previously wrote about Lilias Trotter. This remarkable sister merits a second look, because there are important, even success-defining, lessons for…
Until recently, I had never heard of Lilias Trotter. She is a hidden but amazing person, like many missionaries. I…
Mary Slessor, 1848-1915, was a Scottish Presbyterian missionary to Africa. She made a huge impact on Nigeria and beyond. One…
Margery Sykes was no ordinary missionary. Yet I cannot find her photo on the internet! I am not even sure…
I mentioned Lottie Moon (Charlotte Digges “Lottie” Moon, 1840-1912) in connection with the story of Sallie Holmes. The simple facts are…
The life and missionary work of Amy Carmichael (1867–1951) speaks to our generation with a simple message. She tells us…
In the light of Pentecost Sunday, I want to outline an unusual example of the Holy Spirit’s power and provision…
“So, tell me what life is like out there!” “Can you summarise the work you’ve been involved in for us?”…
David Brainerd was born on April 20, 1718 in Haddam, Connecticut. He died a short 29 years later. For only…
PACT is an acrostic, standing for Personal Accountability and Care Team. There is also a hidden meaning which carries the…
This post originally appeared on A Life Overseas. It is reproduced here with the permission of the author. When we head…
Who or what is a TCK? A while ago, I met with a missionary family from a large Asian country…
We have just launched our most recent course Crossing Cultures 101! It’s free to complete and consists of 3 online modules…
5 talks of The Antioch Factor In these 5 talks Ross shares his life’s message. He shares concerning what the…
1. How is your walk with the Lord? how are you doing with the Lord? Often I think of a…
How to be a Healthy Cross Cultural Missionary? Here are some keys I’ve picked up over the years of being…
The vision of FieldPartner International is a simple one. It is to serve the church and individual believers in matters…
In a globalised world, we all need to be able to connect with people from other cultures, and yet we see so much division and hatred.
How can we respond?