We offer community, courses and resources to equip you for success, whatever your stage of the journey.
Senders are an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission!
- Understand God’s heart for the nations
- Discover YOUR incredible role in the Great Commission
- Connect with people facing the same questions
Pre-field workers are an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission!
- Explore your sense of callings
- Prepare yourself for the field
- Connect with others like you
On-field workers are an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission!
- Get support
- Strengthen yourself with God’s Word
- Understand and tackle the challenges you are facing
Post-field workers are an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission!
- Prepare for Transition
- Discover a fresh vision
- Connect with people like you
George Verwer
I have followed Ross since his student days at Cambridge when he also joined OM for a short time. I have seen God using him and his wife in wonderful ways and their commitment to China is outstanding. They have a teaching ministry that has impacted many lives and you will be blessed as you take time to read and listen.
Jackie Pullinger MBE
Founder of the St Stephen's Society
Ross & Christine’s training and ministry have always had a biblical base, integrity and practicality. This material meets a need vital for the mission field and use on the ground. It will help to make Jesus known in different cultures.
Simon Guillebaud
Great Lakes Outreach
The Patersons have been a lifelong inspiration to me in laying down their lives for the call to cross-cultural missions. I cannot think of any better training available on the web than FieldPartner, which is the synthesis of their five decades of learning on the ground as authentic practitioners.
Ross and Christine’s 48 years of mission experiences taught me how to do it – and how not to do it!
Asia and Middle East
I am a huge fan of cross culture training before hitting the mission field… I would go as far as to say is absolutely the difference between being successful and lasting out long-term on the mission field and burning out within a short period of time and having to head back home.
That was excellent and very insightful… I need to think on this more, a lot more! So much to take in and think over in this module. This should be part of all church discipleship programmes.
…a total revelation for me and it helps to explain some of my past struggles in cross-cultural experiences…Thank you!
“All the believers were one
in heart and mind.”
Acts 4:32
Connect with others who share your passion and face the same struggles. Explore the FieldPartner Community
for FREE today.
Our courses are created by experienced fieldworkers who want to offer what they have learned (sometimes the hard way!) to anybody with a heart to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. You can take a course at your own pace, or you might want to join a cohort and learn with others for a deeper experience.
Caring for Third Culture Kids
- Who are TCKs?
- You know a TCK when…
- Loving TCKs well
- Navigating Transitions
- Faith and Identity
Calling – Who? What? Why?
- Do we need a call?
- Why it’s important to know your call
- Testing your calling
- Four questions to ask about your call
- What if I don’t have a calling?
Know Thyself
- What is Culture
- Socialization
- Baggage and Walls
- Towards Cultural Intelligence
“Go, send or disobey.” John Piper
We’ve all got a role to play in taking the Gospel to the nations! But a strong walk with God is essential, or we will struggle to stand firm as we encounter challenges.
Discover Biblical teaching through the lens of cross-cultural mission