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Cultural Pride

In our interview with Christina Winrich, she shared openly about the challenges and joys of serving God in another culture….

Greg and Lisa Interview

For security reasons, we can’t show you Greg and Lisa’s faces. But they have a story that is well-worth hearing….

Interview with Elizabeth Trotter

Elizabeth and her husband Jonathan were missionaries to Cambodia. They returned to America during Covid lockdown in a sudden and…

Interview with Michael Prest

Michael Prest is the director of our partner, UFM Worldwide. In this thought-provoking interview, he shares his personal story and how…

Interview with Bev Gigney

    Bev Gigney founded a children’s home called Dove’s Wings during her years serving in China, having had a clear…

Interview with Joann Pittman

Joann Pittman was born as a ‘Third Culture Kid’ to missionary parents in Pakistan. But little did she know that…

Interview with Alan and Jan Kilpatrick

Alan and Jan Kilpatrick have lived a wide-ranging and varied life in ministry and mission, most recently serving in Mozambique….

Interview with Geoff & Jackie Bishop

Geoff and Jackie Bishop were missionaries for many years in Burundi, central Africa. In this interview, they share the events…

Interview with Amy Young

Amy Young spent many years as a cross-cultural worker in China, and now works to support cross-cultural workers through various…

Interview with Barry & Rowena

Rowena and Barry McKnight have been missionaries for many years in Thailand. In this insightful interview into their years of…

Interview with Ruth Van Reken

Christine interviews Ruth Van Reken, member care expert and world-renowned co-author with Dave Pollock of bestseller ‘Third Culture Kids‘. Learn…

Watch the Recording of Resilience

Click here to watch the recording! We were delighted to host Rod and Ruthie for their presentation on resilience on…

Interview with Grant & Jean

Grant and Jean are missionaries from South Africa. In this interview, they share their journey leading to mission work in…

Interview with Lydia David

Lydia David is a missionary who has worked in China & Turkey. She worked as an occupational therapist before she…

Interview with Jennifer Bishop

  Christine sits down for an interview with our own team member Jennifer Bishop. Jennifer grew up in Burundi and…

Interview with Simon Guillebaud

Discover more about Great Lakes Outreach (GLO) and their weekly Zoom prayer meetings, as well as watch Onesphore’s prayer for Europe &…

Interview with Brad Thurston

Check out Globe Mission here. See our other partners. A fascinating interview with Brad Thurston, one of the early collaborators…

Interview with Henry & Betsy

Henry and Betsy are key partners with us in FieldPartner. In this interview they share their experiences of coming to…

Interview with Peter Askew

Peter Askew serves cross-culturally in the north of England! His title is “Operations Manager for the Antioch Network Manchester”, an…

James Gilmour Made An Eternal Difference!

Last week, in the light of the few folk that James Gilmour saw come to Christ, I asked a question:…

James Gilmour. A Wasted Life?

There is one more issue arising from the courageous and dedicated life of the missionary James Gilmour (1843-1891), whom I…

Missionaries And Loneliness

“When James Gilmour sailed for China in 1870 aged twenty-seven, “it was a lonely task that awaited him – the…

James Gilmour’s Unusual Courtship

I wrote last week about James Gilmour and his work in Mongolia. This week is about his courtship (or lack…

James Gilmour – God Hadn’t Called Him To Stay Home.

Having written recently about the lives of some of the New Testament colleagues of the apostle Paul, it’s easy to…

Philip – The Model Missionary

Having looked recently at cross-cultural missionaries from the pages of the New Testament, it struck me that I couldn’t do…

Timothy And “The P/T Test”

Having written about Demas, John Mark and Silas over the past three weeks, there has to be one more missionary…

Silas – The Pentecost Man

Today is Pentecost Sunday in some traditions. Jesus’ last recorded words on earth in Acts 1:8 give a clear definition…

John Mark – The Patron Saint Of Second Chance Missionaries

Last week we looked at Demas, the classic missionary failure. But for every Demas there is a John Mark with…

Missionaries Do Sometimes Fail

Sometimes missionaries don’t make it to the end. The New Testament has a powerful example of that – Demas. Demas…

The Accidental Missionaries

Aquila and Priscilla did not plan to be missionaries. They didn’t get there by the usual route – a call…

What Is Donar’s Oak?

Howard Peskett made some mission related comments when writing on Deuteronomy chapter 13 in Scripture Union notes. Howard wrote: “Missionaries…

The Orphan Who Gave to Mission.

Nettie McCormick had a less than ideal start to life. Born Nancy Maria Fowler in 1835, her father, Melzar Fowler,…

Simon of Cyrene – Abuse Leading To Destiny

For this week’s missionary post I want to engage in a little bit of guesswork, but I think I’m right!…

He Is Risen Indeed

Mark 16:1-8 describes the event that changed human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He is risen…

Saint Patrick’s Amazing Legacy

Last week I wrote about Saint Patrick’s journey from slavery to becoming a missionary who changed Ireland. I drew three…

St Patrick – The Early Missionary

Today, March 17th, is St Patrick’s Day. Patrick was an early missionary with a very unusual life, one that has…

Resolution #10 – Me, A Missionary?

Finally, almost a quarter of the way through 2024, we come to the 10th and last cross-cultural mission related New…

Resolution #9 – Follow Your Pastor…. To The Ends Of The Earth!

We come to the last two of Chuck Lawless’ 10 Mission related New Year’s resolutions. Resolution number 9 states: “I…

Resolution #8 – Go Out For Dinner!

This one, the eighth of Chuck Lawless’ mission related New Year resolutions, has to be the easiest to carry out,…

Resolution #7 – Praying Through Important News Items

This week we look at the seventh of Chuck Lawless’ 10 Cross-Cultural Mission related New Year’s Resolutions. Even if we…

Resolution #6 – Go On A Mission Trip

Chuck Lawless’ 6th New Year’s resolution with a cross-cultural mission flavour says: “I will plan to take a mission trip…

Resolution #4 – Make Friends with Those From Other Places And Cultures

Today we come to the fourth of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions that are intended to help us grow…

Resolution Number 3 – Pray For An Unreached People Group

The third of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will learn…

Resolution Number 2 – Pray For Missionaries

The second of Chuck Lawless’ ten New Year’s Resolutions, all of which relate to cross-cultural mission, says: “I will pray…

Two Special Friends Who Made a Difference

Larry and Beth. Two ‘Ordinary’ People Who Made A Real Difference.Ross and Christine Paterson Write About Two Special Friends. Larry…

My Tribute, and Debt to, George Verwer

George Verwer died on April 14th, as I write only 8 short days ago. John Piper said that George’s “personal…

George Patterson – Not Your Normal Missionary!

George Patterson (1920-2012) went out as a missionary to Tibet with Geoffrey Bull in 1947. Though they began together, they…

A Missionary Hero With A Traumatised Heart

Wilhelmina “Minnie” Vautrin (1886-1941) was an American missionary in China for 28 years, working as an educator and for a…

The Beauty of Collaboration

I recently received an update from a soon-to-be partner and found that they were starting to offer online options for…

Helen Roseveare Part 2: Price and Privilege

Recently, I wrote about Helen Roseveare, an outstanding missionary to Africa. Her achievements were amazing in terms of hospitals built and…

A Life Offered to God: Helen Roseveare

Helen Roseveare (1925-2016) was a remarkable and unusual missionary to Africa. I will look at her life in this blog…

Seven Lessons From The Life of Lilias Trotter

I previously wrote about Lilias Trotter. This remarkable sister merits a second look, because there are important, even success-defining, lessons for…

A Hidden Gem: Margery Sykes

Margery Sykes was no ordinary missionary. Yet I cannot find her photo on the internet! I am not even sure…

The 3-minute Rule (and How Not To Be Offended!)

“So, tell me what life is like out there!” “Can you summarise the work you’ve been involved in for us?”…

What is a RAFT and Why Do I Need One?

RAFT is a helpful and important acrostic, commonly used in cross-cultural circles. It stands for:  Reconcile Affirm say Farewell Think destination …

Who or What is a Third Culture Kid?

Who or what is a TCK? A while ago, I met with a missionary family from a large Asian country…

Announcing New Course: Crossing Cultures 101

We have just launched our most recent course Crossing Cultures 101! It’s free to complete and consists of 3 online modules…

Five things I wish I had known

A while ago my husband and I were talking with a friend about the huge task that faces us in…

Introducing The Antioch Factor

5 talks of The Antioch Factor In these 5 talks Ross shares his life’s message. He shares concerning what the…

Vision of FieldPartner International

The vision of FieldPartner International is a simple one. It is to serve the church and individual believers in matters…