Listen to the sermon here:
Listen to the sermon here:
Amy Young spent many years as a cross-cultural worker in China, and now works to support cross-cultural workers through various…
It was fantastic to welcome a good crowd from around the globe to launch our latest course, Caring for TCKs….
In our interview with Christina Winrich, she shared openly about the challenges and joys of serving God in another culture….
Click here to watch the recording! We were delighted to host Rod and Ruthie for their presentation on resilience on…
First. In order to be prepared for our great and solemn work, it is absolutely necessary that we set an…
Thirdly. It is necessary, in our intercourse with the Hindus, that, as far as we are able, we abstain from…
Eric Henry Liddell (1902-1945) is one of the heroes of the Oscar winning film “Chariots of Fire”. The film tells…
This one, the eighth of Chuck Lawless’ mission related New Year resolutions, has to be the easiest to carry out,…
I have been a missionary for over 50 years, yet I have only just come across an extraordinary document called…
Carey and the others wrote:As we consider it our duty to honour the civil magistrate, and in every state and…
Today is Pentecost Sunday in some traditions. Jesus’ last recorded words on earth in Acts 1:8 give a clear definition…
Last week we looked at Demas, the classic missionary failure. But for every Demas there is a John Mark with…
Short, informative thoughts and tips on key relationships which help Third Culture Kids to thrive!