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Article 6 of the Serampore Agreement

Have a read of this article 6 (in the original form and then in modern English). Realise that for this to be written by a Brit over 200 years ago when all around him was the totally different ethic and thoughtform of the now gone British Empire. Be amazed with me at the difference between William Carey’s approach to India and that of other Brits of his time.

Article 6
Sixthly. It is absolutely necessary that the natives should have an entire confidence in us and feel quite at home in our company. To gain this confidence we must on all occasions be willing to hear their complaints; we must give them the kindest advice, and we must decide upon everything brought before us in the most open, upright, and impartial manner. We ought to be easy of access, to condescend to them as much as possible, and on all occasions to treat them as our equals.

All passionate behaviour will sink our characters exceedingly in their estimation.
All force, and everything haughty, reserved, and forbidding, it becomes us ever to shun with the greatest care.
We can never make sacrifices too great, when the eternal salvation of souls is the object, except, indeed, we sacrifice the commands of Christ.

Sixthly. It’s essential for the local people fully to trust us and to feel comfortable around us. To earn this trust, we need to always be willing to listen to their concerns, offer them kind advice, and make decisions about their issues in a fair and open way. We should be approachable, treat them as equals, and act as modestly as possible.
Any display of anger or arrogance will greatly harm their opinion of us.

We must avoid any dominant or haughty behaviour at all costs. We should be willing to make significant sacrifices when it comes to the eternal well-being of souls, but we should never compromise the teachings of Christ.

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