A window into Christianity in China and the key issues that impact the church.
ChinaSource is a trusted partner and platform for educating the global church on critical issues facing the church and ministries in China, and for connecting Christians inside and outside China to advance the kingdom of God globally.
Through our online platforms, conferences, and contributions in both the Christian and secular media, we facilitate informed discussion around critical issues facing China and its church. We believe that an informed understanding of China and of the experience of the Chinese people, both historical and contemporary, is critical to effective service. Our knowledge resources are not tied to promoting any particular projects; nor do we side with either the registered or the unregistered church, or with any denomination. We seek a balanced perspective through openness and honesty in all our research, relationships and communication. We participate in dialog both at the academic level as well as among those engaged in practical China ministry.
Our relationship with those we serve goes beyond merely providing information. We value the unity of the international community, recognizing the unique gifts and roles of each part as all work together toward the accomplishment of united purposes in and through China. We believe that wise stewardship of gifts and resources, strategically deployed, results in multiplied effectiveness. Over two decades we have developed a broad network of relationships. Among these leaders, ministry practitioners, and resource providers, we play a catalytic role, making connections through convening, both formal and informal; through referrals; and by providing platforms for sharing resources and expertise.
The desire to foster effective service in China and among Chinese globally lies at the heart of our mission. We value holistic service, lived out through relationships, word and deed, and resulting in transformed individuals, families and communities. By serving those who serve, we play a unique role in advancing God’s purposes in and through China. In so doing we prioritize the development of indigenous leadership with local distinctives as well as a sense of its place in the larger universal body of Christ.
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