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Seven reasons why learning as an online cohort is better than self-study 

In the vast digital landscape, where information flows relentlessly, we have started offering small online cohorts as a new way for our community to engage with our content. These virtual gatherings of four to ten people are more than mere training sessions or lectures — they become spaces for shared experiences, authentic conversations, and collective growth. I have had the privilege of facilitating these since our launch back in March 2024 and here are seven reasons why I think online cohorts are better than doing self-study online! 

The cohort space becomes a place of discovery and connection, where theory meets practice…

1. A Safe Space for Authentic Sharing 

FieldPartner’s online cohorts create a safe space, like a digital sanctuary where participants can share openly and vulnerably. Personal experiences take centre stage, shedding light on the realities encountered in the field – it’s in these shared experiences where deep learning can happen. Whether it’s navigating cross-cultural challenges, celebrating success, or wrestling with doubts, we find comfort in knowing we’re not alone. 

2. Journeying Together 

Cohorts foster genuine connections that transcend geographic borders. Participants get to know one another beyond mere names and titles because we share our faith journeys—the highs and lows, doubts and certainties. It’s a tapestry of diverse stories woven together by a common purpose: advancing God’s kingdom. As we walk side by side, we discover that our individual paths intersect in unexpected and beautiful ways. 

3. Honesty and Prayer 

Honesty is key. We lay bare our struggles and challenges, knowing that within this micro-online community, vulnerability is strength. When someone shares their heartache, others can listen, offering prayers and encouragement.  

4. Beyond Self-Study 

Online cohorts can move beyond the limitations of self-study. While self-paced courses have their place, and sometimes a good option, a facilitated discussion can add depth and value to the content we offer. I have noticed that when we give the time to engage in real-time conversations, exploring nuances to ask probing questions – our own cultural assumptions and perspectives can be challenged – for the better!  

5. Every Voice Matters 

When facilitating cohorts, I continually state that there are no wrong answers! I do everything I can to ensure that each person’s opinion is valued and respected. Whether they come from a seasoned sending nation or newly emerging ones, their voices contribute to a vast array of collective wisdom that transcends borders, cultures, and backgrounds. 

6. Witnessing an Exciting Shift 

It is an honour to be amongst groups from newer sending nations. People who were once recipients of missionaries from the West, now stand at the forefront of cross-cultural missions. It’s a thrilling shift — one that FieldPartner witnesses firsthand. The torch has been passed, and the flames of mission burns brightly. 

7. Learning Together 

As a team, FieldPartner learns alongside these cohorts. Our material continually evolves, refined by shared insights and lived experiences. For us, it’s not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about mutual growth and learning together. The cohort space becomes a place of discovery and connection, where theory meets practice, and our hearts are encouraged to burn brighter for the gospel!  

Try it for yourself…

We’d love to have you as part of a cohort. Find out more about our course, Know Thyself which we are currently running as a cohort here. We also offer cohorts for existing teams or small groups, so get in touch if you’d like to discuss this.

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