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Joann Pittman was born as a ‘Third Culture Kid’ to missionary parents in Pakistan. But little did she know that…

PACT is an acrostic, standing for Personal Accountability and Care Team. There is also a hidden meaning which carries the…

Read the first three blogs on Adoniram Judson: Part 1 – The Struggle Part 2 – A Marriage Made in Heaven?…

Amy Young spent many years as a cross-cultural worker in China, and now works to support cross-cultural workers through various…

Do you think your life could never make a difference? Let us show you how you are wrong! Especially right…

Grant and Jean are missionaries from South Africa. In this interview, they share their journey leading to mission work in…

Lydia David is a missionary who has worked in China & Turkey. She worked as an occupational therapist before she…

Imagine… You are a new missionary recruit about to depart for your assignment abroad. You are theologically trained, you have…

In this interview Christina shares openly about the challenges and joys of serving God in another culture. She shares movingly…