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Who We Are
Crossing Cultures Together
We are an online community dedicated to taking the Gospel across cultures effectively.

We offer community, courses and resources to equip you for success, whatever your stage of the journey.
How We Help
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What They Say About Us
Join Our Community

“All the believers were one
in heart and mind.” Acts 4:32

Connect with others who share your passion and face the same struggles. Explore the FieldPartner Community
for FREE today.

Special Offers
Our Courses

Our courses are created by experienced fieldworkers who want to offer what they have learned (sometimes the hard way!) to anybody with a heart to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. You can take a course at your own pace, or you might want to join a cohort and learn with others for a deeper experience.

Third Culture Kids

Our newest course, created by our Dean of Studies, Ben Gilbert. British by birth, raised in India, with time living in Sri Lanka and the Middle East - the TCK experience is familiar to Ben, who is excited to share personal experiences, research and helpful insights for both TCKs, and those caring for them to thrive across cultures. Sign up today!

Calling – Who? What? Why?

In the church, there exists a widespread misconception that only “exceptional Christians” receive a “proper” calling from God. The truth, however, is that God has unique plans for every believer, as stated in Ephesians 2:10. We must actively seek Him to discern our individual callings.

Know Thyself

This course explores the concept of understanding ourselves within the context of our own cultures. Before delving into how we adapt to other cultures, it is crucial to recognize the barriers and obstacles we inadvertently create for ourselves.
Our Theology

“Go, send or disobey.” John Piper

We’ve all got a role to play in taking the Gospel to the nations! But a strong walk with God is essential, or we will struggle to stand firm as we encounter challenges.

Discover Biblical teaching through the lens of cross-cultural mission

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