

Our courses are created by experienced fieldworkers who want to offer what they have learned (sometimes the hard way!) to anybody with a heart to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. You can take a course at your own pace, or you might want to join a cohort and learn with others for a deeper experience.

Thriving Across Borders

This course covers the major transitions that someone will make when crossing cultures. We delve into the typical transition points for people working in mission and provide insights and tips for adapting well at each stage to enable you to thrive cross-culturally.
Course Options
Self Study (online)Facilitated Group (online)
  • Pre-departure 
  • Culture Shock 
  • Re-entry


FieldPartner Learner
I resonated with a lot of the material from personal experience of working overseas.

Building a Support Ecosystem

In this course, we examine the different dimensions of support that are needed for a successful cross-cultural experience or lifestyle. Having good support systems in place can make or break your adventure. The course is packed with practical examples and provides a guide for best practice.
Course Options
Self Study (online)Facilitated Group (online)
  • Core Member Care
  • Self Care & Mutual Care
  • Mutual Team Care
  • Sender Care
  • Third Culture Kids (TCKs)


FieldPartner Learner
I really appreciate what was shared in this class, which enlightens and inspires!

Developing Leadership for Cross-Cultural Ministry

Mission thrives on cultivating leaders who embody the life and character of Jesus, the most effective figure in history who exemplifies leadership development. His approach—discovering potential, training, and empowering future leaders—shapes a leadership mentality that impacts those directly trained and generations to come.
Course Options
Self Study (online)
  • Jesus and Missional Leadership
  • Identifying Leadership Potential
  • The Methodology of Jesus
  • The Objective of Leadership Training
  • A Commitment to Reproduction and Multiplication
  • Practical Steps To Develop Leadership


FieldPartner Learner
I am very exited about this course, it is important for all church Leaders to learn.
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